Name: Doodle Kingdom Apk.
Developer: JoyBits Co. Ltd.
Updated: April 24, 2018
File size: 46 MBs
Downloads: 50,000
Version: 2.3.41
Requirements: Android version 4.1 or above
Rating: 4.0 stars review.
Doodle Kingdom Apk Details And Review:
The Doodle Kingdom Apk is the pro version of Doodle Kingdom free Apk. This pro version includes some extra features like no ads, number of puzzles and many more. The free version is just for the trail the real game starts in the pro version.
In this game, you will have to build your kingdom. The game was developed after huge success f doodle devil and Doodle God. This version is built by the combination of these two plus by adding some extra features, thrill, and story.
Make your king strong enough to defend your kingdom and also to attack other to spread it.
Doodle games are mostly puzzle game which requires a sharp mind to solve and to get into next levels. Doodle games specially Doodle Kingdom is having a top ranking on play store and IOS in puzzle game categories.
Doodle Kingdom Apk is having very few requirements so you can download it easily on your android devices.